Sunday, September 13, 2009

September 13, 2009

Alma Wi. Mississippi River Mile 753.

Well we left Bayport on Friday morning. One last fire drill. The adapter plate that Patrick made to adapt our Navigator Compass to the Globemaster mount would not allow the transmission to go into neutral. So I took it off so we could get moving Lynn H. from down the dock was there to record our departure and had to wait a half hour. Oh well.

Motored down to Prescot Wi at the confluence of the St Croix and Mississippi R. Had a great cocktail party, birthday, bon voyage with Linda and Patrick, without whom we would not have been ready to go.

Got up early Saturday and slipped through the highway and RR bridges at Prescot, Miss RM 811 and started on the real voyage. Made it to Alma last evening at 5 pm. Up early again but now waiting for fog to lift so we can safely shove off.

All is well.

More later.


  1. How are you doing with fuel consumption?

  2. were avweraging .75 gallons per hour which is equivalent to 9 miles per gallon. This includes going both with the current and against it.
